Our Network
We have more than 250 paid memberships and 2500 more active member base engaged in our social media pages. We are partnering with other community organization working locally, in state level and in national level too. We are also partnering with local government and state government in different projects. We are member of MCOT Tasmania. We have been associating with local sporting clubs namely Launceston Nepali Cricket Club (LNCC) and Launceston Nepalese Soccer Club (LNSC) in various community events. We have supporting partners like NRNA in National level and NRNA Tasmania chapter in State level. We are planning to stretch our Network by aligning with other organization of similar objectives. We already have been already proposed by FENCA and other national level organization for this year. We are also in process of tying up with some of the organizations in Nepal related to language school promotion in this year. Our networking strength has been growing exponentially. We have partnered with more than ten business locally in organizing events.